Beyond the Studs: The Benefits of Four Seasons Sunrooms Products

In this episode of Behind the Studs, Amanda Alexander from our design team talked about Four Seasons Sunrooms products. Four Seasons Sunrooms is a company that manufactures many of the amazing products we offer at Legacy Exteriors — including pergolas, sunrooms, 3- and all-season rooms, or a nice screen porch that can be upgraded down the road if the homeowner desires. Today, we’re focusing on two of the major points Amanda discussed in the episode: 1. How virtual 3D renderings, along with getting to know our customers, helps us create room additions that are a perfect fit to an existing home. 2. The benefits of Four Seasons Conservaglass™ NXT with Stay-clean technology. Virtual 3D Renderings Room additions onto an existing home don’t need to look like a “new wing” of the building. In fact, one of the things that sparks Amanda’s creativity is answering the question, “how can we make this room addition look like it’s always been part of this home?” Many things go into the design process to ensure that the new room

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Which Type of Siding is Right for You?

There’s a lot to consider when thinking about new siding for your home. Between materials, color, warranties, cost — and finding the right installation company — it can feel overwhelming. The good news is, if you’re looking for clarification on which type of siding is right for you, you’ve come to the right place. This article talks about five different types of siding, and the benefits of each: Vinyl Siding Composite Siding Hardboard Siding Cement Siding Wood Siding Let’s get started! VINYL SIDING Typically, vinyl siding is the most affordable option when it comes to siding. The good news is that it is a quality siding choice that offers incredible value for the cost. With vinyl siding, you have two major categories to choose from before you decide on color: Traditional Vinyl Siding is an easy, low-cost way to update your home and increase its value. Insulated Vinyl Siding has a slightly higher cost than traditional vinyl siding, although it typically pays for itself over time as the insulating properties help keep your home warmer

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Understanding the Differences Between LifeRooms, Three-season & Four-season Rooms

Amanda Alexander, one of our team members at Legacy Exteriors, recently appeared on WIBA 101.5 FM’s program, Behind the Studs, to talk about LifeRooms, three-season, and four-season rooms. During the show, Amanda discussed the following topics, which she’s expanded upon here to give you a better understanding of each type of room addition … What’s the difference between a three- and four-season room? Three-season rooms are exactly what they sound like — they’re a room addition that’s comfortable to use for three seasons: spring, summer and fall. The reason they’re only usable for three seasons is because of the materials they’re made with. Three-season rooms are constructed with single-pane glass, non-insulated floors and non-thermally-engineered frames, which is why they’re not meant for the cold Wisconsin winter months. Four-season rooms (also referred to as all-season rooms) can be used year round. Made with double-pane glass, insulated floors and thermally engineered framing, a four-season room offers cost-effective heating and cooling no matter what the temperature is outside. How do LifeRooms compare to three- & four-season rooms? LifeRooms

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Six Tips to Prep Your Deck for Spring

Spring is finally here, and as the weather warms up it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning your deck. In order to get the most enjoyment and longevity from your deck, we’d like to share six tips to help you prep your deck for spring — and beyond … We’ll be talking about two different types of decking materials in this article: Traditional wood decks, which are made of natural wood Composite decks, which are made of wood and plastic Let’s begin with our tips on how to prep your deck for spring. 1. Swab the Deck! Make sure your deck is free of all debris, water and other remnants from the winter months. If you stored your furniture or your grill on the deck, be sure to move each item so you can clean those areas of the deck, too. Be sure that the slots in-between the boards are clear, so any water can easily drain. This first step not only ensures a clean deck, it also prepares you for our next tip

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Beyond The Studs With Legacy Exteriors – “Spring Check List”

Josh Gauwitz, owner of Legacy Exteriors, is back this week and we discuss what we should look for as home owners as we transition out of winter and into spring. Josh shares some common issues with the exterior of our homes that we should be on the look out for. If you see something that doesn’t look quite right and you want to get it check out by a professional call Legacy Exteriors at 221-3000 for a free estimate! Especially if your not comfortable getting up on your roof….Leave that to the professionals at Legacy Exteriors!

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