Preparing Your Wood Deck for Spring: Stain vs. Sealant

In April of 2023, we shared Six Tips to Prep Your Deck for Spring. This year, we’ve decided to do an entire series of spring prep tips for the exterior of your home, and we’re starting off with a deeper dive into one of the six tips we spoke about last year … protecting your deck with stain and sealer. Both stains and sealers are crafted to protect wood decks, and this protection is critical if you want to keep your deck looking good — and in tip-top shape for years to come. Wood decks need maintenance, there’s just no two ways about it. That said, let’s define the difference between sealants and stains, and why you might want to highly consider using BOTH on your wood deck, or at least use a product that is a combination of the two. These two terms are often confused with each other, which makes sense since they are both used to protect wood. But as you’ll see, it comes down to thinking about these products as, “stain

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The Many Benefits of Sun & Stars Studio Sunrooms by Four Seasons

Four Seasons is an amazing brand we work with here at Legacy Exteriors, and some of the products they offer are sunrooms called Sun & Stars Studio Rooms, which Madison homeowners just love! Sun & Stars Studio Rooms are available in three distinct styles: All Seasons Sun & Stars Studio Rooms Aluminum Sun & Stars Studio Rooms Wood Interior Sunrooms & Solariums Let’s take a look at each option to see if any of them resonate as a possible addition to your home … OVERALL BENEFITS No matter which sunroom option you choose, you’ll be able to enjoy the outdoors from the indoors year round — regardless of what the temperature is outside, as it’s designed for “year-round living.” Highly customizable, these sunrooms are meant to meet your aesthetic preferences while enhancing the curb appeal of your home. And the panoramic view of the outdoors is magnificent.  Four Seasons constructs these sunrooms with only the most durable materials, and their top-of-the-line ConservaGlass™ NXT provides comfort year-round, very likely making your new sunroom the most popular

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The Pros & Cons of Vinyl Windows

Last week we talked about the Top 9 Benefits of Vinyl Siding. This week we’ll continue our discussion about vinyl products, with a focus on vinyl windows. When it comes to choosing replacement windows in the Madison area, there is no shortage of options. To begin, there are materials choices that range from fiberglass, to wood, to vinyl. And within each materials category there are many brand options, as well as different series and styles within each brand.  This can often leave homeowners wondering how they’ll ever choose replacement windows for their home, which is why it’s so important to work with a windows contractor who takes the time to understand a homeowner’s needs and budget — which will ultimately narrow down choices to the ones that are best for each homeowner. Before we get into vinyl window benefits, it’s important to note that one of the most important parts of the process is choosing a quality window maker. Saving a few bucks on lesser-quality windows now, can cost much more in energy bills and

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Top 9 Benefits of Vinyl Siding

Vinyl siding has been a favorite choice of homeowners for a long time — and with good reason. There are many benefits to vinyl siding, and we’re going to cover nine of them in this article to help you determine if it is the right type of siding for your home. Before we begin with the benefits, we’d like to point out that there are two main types of vinyl siding: Traditional Vinyl Siding, which is more affordable than insulated vinyl siding. Insulated Vinyl Siding, which is only slightly more expensive, but has the ability to save dollars on your utility bill. Choosing between these two types of vinyl siding is typically easy. If you’re looking to update your home before selling, traditional vinyl siding is the less expensive option for a facelift in curb appeal. If you are planning on remaining in the home, insulated vinyl siding is the way to go. OK, now onto our top 9 benefits of vinyl siding … 1. Great Warranties Although this is not typically the first benefit

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5 Ways to Winterize Your Home

Yesterday was Groundhog Day, and according to Jimmy the Groundhog (who resides in Sun Prairie, WI) we’re in for an early spring! That said, it’s not too late to take the initiative and winterize your home, if you haven’t already done so. The following tips are all geared toward helping you winterize the exterior of your home. Let’s get started  … CLEAN OUT YOUR GUTTERS With the warm weather we’ve been having the past few days, you may be noticing your gutters are not draining properly. If they’re clear of snow and ice, here’s what you can do (or hire someone to do) right now to get them working better … Remove any debris from the gutters — like leaves, sticks and even asphalt roof granules — to help gutters remove water from melting snow or rain, instead of spilling over the side of the gutters. It’s also important to check your downspouts to ensure they are draining properly. We’ve had customers who didn’t clean their gutters for a few years, and when they called

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