Roofing 101, Part 3: Starter Strip Shingles

In our Roofing 101 series, we’re focusing on each of the seven layers that go into a durable, dependable roofing system. Each product, or layer, has a specific purpose and it’s important to be aware of all of them when considering a roof contractor in the Dane County area. That said, thus far in the series, we’ve covered: Part 1: The Importance of Leak Barriers Part 2: Roof Deck Protection In Part 3 of the series, we’re shifting our attention to starter strip shingles, which help guard your roofing against shingle blow-offs. Before we begin, it’s important to note that if you are looking at an asphalt replacement roof you’ll want to go with a dependable brand that’s known for excellent durability and style. We recommend the GAF brand, and they’re America’s #1 asphalt roofing company. In this article we’ll be looking at the different starter strip products made by GAF, and even if your roofing company doesn’t use these particular GAF products, it’s important to ensure they’re using something of comparable quality and durability,

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Roofing 101, Part 2: Roof Deck Protection

In Part 1 of our Roofing 101 series, we focused on the first layer of defense your roof provides — the leak barrier.   In Part 2 of the series, we shift our attention to roof deck protection, an underlayment that assists in shielding your roof deck from moisture infiltration. In case you’re not familiar, an underlayment sits just above the leak barrier, and underneath the rest of the components of your roof. Underlayments can be made of different materials, including asphalt saturated felt and more modern, synthetic materials.  The significance of roof deck protection is the fact that it covers your roof deck and its sole purpose is to act as a secondary moisture barrier — going a long way in preventing wind-driven rain from breaching your roof and causing damage to your home. That said, the roof deck protection product your roofing contractor uses is a critical component to the roof replacement process. At Legacy Exteriors, our asphalt roofing brand of choice is GAF. Their products are fantastic, and they are also America’s #1

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Home Winter Weather Prep: Inside and Out, Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we focused on proven prep strategies to get the inside of your home ready for the Wisconsin winter. Now, in Part 2, we turn our attention to prepping the outside of your home before the winter weather sets in. The following nine tips can go a long way in protecting your home, and avoiding costly expenses, so let’s get started … 1. Be Sure to Drain Lawn Irrigation Systems If you have a lawn irrigation system, it’s important to make sure it’s drained before freezing weather sets in. Unlike the piping that leads into your home, irrigation systems aren’t buried deeply, which means they have a tendency to freeze once the temperature drops. Freezing can lead to bursting pipes, and it’s best to avoid both. Even if you are only using a standard hose, it’s a good idea to drain it completely so it doesn’t incur damage, or freeze the pipe attachment on the outside of your home. If you’re not clear on how to drain your lawn irrigation

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